

The Escola Sindical de Formació Melchor Botella is a non-profit organization that manages the training of all the people who belong or are related to the Intersindical Valenciana . In these , collaborate ten labour unions from Valencian Country, with a total of about 18.000 affiliates. But the Intersindical Valenciana is open to the participation of all the people who be involved in an assembly, society project, fair and just.


 The labour unions that make up the ESFMB belong to different sectors, from education area (STEPV) to metallurgical industry (STM), health field (IS), ad-ministration (STAS, CAT) as well as numerous other sectors such as public transport (TUC), including retirees are represented in our union.
That way we have access a large business field to host the VET students from all Europe. In addition, our union nature allows the assistants, to know first hand the working conditions as well as the legislation that rules the collective agreements and everything that wokers need to know for optimal working conditions.
Our union, in addition, is especially sensitive to the most disadvantaged groups and to the assistance to people at risk of social exclusion. That's why the ESFMB, look that the training actions are free or at the lowest cost, whenever possible.


More information about ESFMB

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